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IISR Network is an online platform dedicated to connecting academics, professionals, and researchers from various fields. We believe that knowledge should be shared and discussed, and aim to provide a safe and friendly environment for members to do so.

Since our launch 15 years ago, IISR Network has become a reliable source of information and a valuable resource for many. We invite you to join us and take part in our upcoming events.


Our mission is to make the world a better place by giving academics the opportunity to learn, collaborate, and network with each other. We host virtual events, workshops, and meet-ups to help promote our mission and create an inclusive environment for all. Join us today and start making the world a better place.


In the vision of IISR Network, we strongly believe in the power of working together. Our goal is to remove the barriers that separate scholars from different fields. We want to create a platform where they can easily meet and share their knowledge. Through our online networking and events, we aim to build a world where academics can have important discussions, share their perspectives, and make valuable connections.

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